Hey there, I'm Alaina!

I’m a designer based in Minneapolis. After working 10 years in the nonprofit arts sector, I am transitioning to UX design.

I am currently perfecting my design skills with Kickass UX in their UX/UI Expert program.

Why UX?

I am motivated by solving complicated problems and creating meaningful, well-designed solutions that make a tangible impact on the lives of others.

Having a community-centered impact initially led me to pursue nonprofit work. In that role, I planned a high volume of arts and community programs, managed projects, and managed database operations, ensuring that complex data and information were accessible.

Yearning for a more creative environment and the ability to converge my many creative, technical, and professional interests, I have decided to delve into user experience design.


I studied Painting and Illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design, earning my BFA in 2014.

How Can Design Principles Lead To More Discovery and Better Treatment?
John Maeda, TEDMED, May 2013

While getting my hands dirty (literally) in many areas of the visual arts and design, my first introduction to design thinking was through a six-week course called Making it (Healthcare Reform) Understandable taught by Lindsay Kinkade.

Just after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, this course focused on the designer's role in making complex public policy accessible and understandable for the general public.

I created a solution that explained the upcoming implementation of the Health Insurance Exchange through the visual metaphor of knitted hats. Renowned designer and RISD’s (now former) president, John Maeda, included my design in his TEDMED talk in 2013.

How Can Design Principles Lead To More Discovery and Better Treatment?
John Maeda, TEDMED, May 2013

Outside of work

When I am not in front of my computer with a coffee in hand, I am exploring Minneapolis on my bike, going to antique stores, trying to nail my backhand volley in tennis, and dabbling in a new craft.

Making cool things out of wood

A collection of hand-carved wooden spoons.

Since moving to Minneapolis, I've taken a few woodworking classes in spoon carving, broom making, and woodturning on the lathe. I may have exceeded the reasonable amount of wooden spoons that one should have.

Visiting museums

A black and white photo of the inside of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.

Having a background in the visual arts and arts administration, I frequently go to museums to stay connected to my artistic side.

Exploring on two wheels

A bicycle with the skyline of New York City in the background.

I love being able to discover new and quirky places in the city while riding my bike – something that is difficult to do while driving or taking public transit.